Head's Blog

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Week ending 10th January 2025 

Welcome back and Happy New Year!

Welcome back to school and 2025! I hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas with your families. I wanted to thank you all for supporting our Christmas events last term- it was so wonderful to see so many of you- especially at the magical Christingle and Carol Service.
You will remember that back in October we asked for donations so that we could make up some shoe boxes to send to Ukraine for the children to open at Christmas. Calstock parish council have arranged a twinning between this area and a town called Petrykivka and have sent us some lovely photographs of the children with their boxes. They send a huge 'Thank you' to everyone who donated items to give them a lovely Christmas surprise!
Look out for the latest newsletter coming to you via email soon- it contains dates for this term and details of fundraising.

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Latest Blog 9th December 2024 

After a wild and stormy weekend, it has been a calm start to the week! A big thanks to you all for supporting our Rainbow Multi day on Friday. We had some generous and innovative coloured items and we are busy putting them together to make some gift hampers  (take a look at the photograph of the red hamper above.)  We will be raffling these on the final day of school with proceeds going towards some sensory equipment which we are going to install in a special space at school.This can be used if pupils need a quiet space to be calm if they are feeling angry/anxious and the classroom environment is just too noisy/bright/busy for them. Personally, I am currently favouring the purple hamper as it has lots of purple themed chocolate!
Year 6 spent a morning at Tavistock college in the art department where they worked with some of the students to create a wonderful hanging bird. They used a wide range of techniques to create these birds including sewing and printing. They also received some very positive feedback about their exceptional behaviour- well done Year 6- you are great ambassadors for the school.
Thank you to those of you who braved the winds on Sunday to have breakfast with Santa. There was a lovely festive atmosphere and the children (and the adults too!) enjoyed meeting Santa in his special grotto which has magically transformed back into the Infant school's stage- those elves must have been busy yesterday! Over £280 was raised by this event. This will also be used to furnish sensory spaces in both schools. 
We are looking forward to the postponed Carol singing at the Rifle Volunteer on Saturday 14th December at 4.00pm.


Week ending 29th November 2024 

Football Stars

A huge congratulations to Mrs Hannaford and her amazing Year 5 and 6 football stars. They took part in the Bridge Schools Football Tournament at Callywith College last Thursday. They won their heat and came second overall. They were also commended for their sportsmanship and manners- well done you are all superstars!

A reminder that there are parental consultation meetings this week. You can make an appointment with your child's teacher via Seesaw. 
Thank you to those of you who came to the Christmas Kahoot Evening. Great fun was had by all and it was wonderful to see so many of you in attendance. A huge thanks to Dave Cunningham of Dave's Chip Stop who provided the food at such a generous discount.
Please see below for our fundraising newsletter which details how much money has be raised so far and what we have spent it on/intend to spend it on. 
You should have received information about the 'Breakfast With Santa' event being held at the Infant and Nursery Base on Saturday 7th December. We hope to see as many of you there as possible.
We are looking forward to the Rainbow Mufti event on Friday 6th December. See Seesaw and Facebook for more details.

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Week Ending 22nd November 2024 

Celebrating Copper Valley

Well we have had out first snow day closure of the year. Thank you for your patience with regards to decision making. It was a very tough one to call as the snow only really started to fall just before 6.00am and the weather forecast predicted heavy rain by 10.00am. In the end I feel that closure was the safest option as we have several staff and pupils who travel some distance to get to the schools. I
Thank you to those of you who joined us for our celebration of Copper Valleademyy. It was lovely to see the different ways in which the year groups chose to share the history of the local area. I absolutely loved hearing the children sing the 'Copper Valley' song. A huge thank you to Darren Jane for composing and playing every instrument on the backing track and to Miss Owen for the thoughtful and very appropriate lyrics. 
Don't forget that there will be a 'Kahoot' evening next Friday at 6pm at the Junior Academy. Tickets are only £5 per person which includes a 'chippy tea' of either sausage and chips or veggie spring roll and chips. Alternatively you can just play the quiz for £2. Orders and payment are needed by Monday 25th- either cash or card. Prizes for the winners!
Enjoy the weekend. 

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Week Ending 15th November 2024 

Thank you all so much!

Firstly, I want to thank you all so much for your amazing generosity with regards to the shoe boxes for Ukraine appeal. Your donations resulted in an incredible 38 shoe boxes being sent this morning to Ukraine with members of Calstock Parish Council. These gifts will make such a massive difference to the children who receive them and, will hopefully, help to make Christmas a little brighter.
Also, thank you for your donations for Children In Need - I will let you know how much we raised when it has been counted!
I want to congratulate the Year 3 and Year 4 girl's football team who represented the school so magnificently the last two weeks in the football tournament at Callington. Some of them had very little experience of playing in a team but they worked so well together. Thank you to their amazing coach and mini bus driver- Mrs Hannaford!
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the celebration of Copper Valley next Friday.

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Week ending 25th October 2024 

We have reached the end of an exceptionally busy half term. Thank you so much to those of you who joined us for the Harvest Festival. I am sure that you enjoyed the children's terrific singing. Thank you also for your kind donations for the food bank.
I would like to also thank you for your donations for the shoeboxes for the children in Ukraine. After the half term holiday we will collate the items ready to send them off. I will keep you updated as to how many boxes we managed to send. 
The children had a lovely time at the disco on Thursday night- the fancy dress standard was excellent! I hope that you all have a great half term break with your families and plenty of Autumnal sunshine.



Week ending 18th October 2024 

Following the email to all parents about the Ukraine shoe box appeal, I am pleased to say that donation stations have been set up in both schools. Any contributions to these would be gratefully received or you can make up your own shoe box to send. I am attempting to source more shoe boxes in the next week if you don't have one at home. A reminder that labels for the tops of the shoe boxes can be found in the foyer. 
We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the Harvest Festival on Thursday 24th at 1.30pm at the Infant and Nursery school. If you could spare a can of food or some dried foods for the Foodbank that would be appreciated. 
Enjoy the weekend when it arrives!


Week ending 11th October 2024 

We have reached the end of yet another busy week. We have our Harvest Festival in just under two weeks and we would appreciate any donations of dried and tinned foods which we can donate to the Callington Foodbank. Please send any products into the school office. You are all invited to join us at the Infant and Nursery Academy on 24th October at 1.30pm. 

Sadly, the committee of the Friend's have decided to resign their posts due to increased personal commitments. I would like to publicly thank them for the amazing fund raising efforts over the last few years. 

Thursday was World Mental Health day which saw lots of the children wearing yellow to school and taking time to think about positive messages to support people with mental health issues and ways in which to promote metal health wellness.

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Week ending 4th October 2024 

This week, the Y4 pupils spent some time helping out in the local community. They helped to brighten up the play area in Woodland Way by spending two hours painting some of the play equipment. They did a fantastic job and worked extremely hard.
On Saturday, Miss Owen led a group of fantastic singers at Honey Fair. They were christened the 'Copper Valley Singers' and they entertained people in the town hall beautifully- there was also some audience participation, encouraged by Miss Owen!
We were delighted to share joint first place with Callington Primary School  for the Honey Fair art prize.Two of the members of the Lion's Club visited our celebration assembly at the Infant and Nursery base to present our award.We received a shield and £100 which we will share between both schools! Well done to the following children who were awarded rosettes in their year groups- Serena (Y1), Bella (Y2), Rafe (Y4), Merryn (Y5) and Jonah (Y6).

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Week ending 27th September 2024 

It has been another busy week for us here at Copper Valley. The school council representatives have been chosen for this academic year. I have had my first productive meeting with Y5 and Y6 and I look forward to meeting with the others next week.  This week the children have produced some beautiful art work for the Callington Honey Fair which is on Saturday. If you get a chance, head to the town hall to see their masterpieces. Some of the children are also singing at 12 noon and would appreciate your support.
As we head into the colder weather, can I remind you to send your child to school with a suitable coat and can I please ask you to write your child's name in their school uniform. They all look so smart in their new sweatshirts. but there are already several which have turned up in lost property without names on their labels.
Frank and Ann Mears, who are great grandparents to two pupils at Copper Valley Infant and Nursery Academy have donated some money to the schools, following a plan sale held at their home.  We are going to the money to personalise the Junior school football shirts with the Copper Valley logo and purchase some playground equipment for the Infant school. I would like to publicly thank them for their generosity.
Don't forget, the photographer is at the Infant and Nursery school next Thursday- 3rd October.This is also free school lunch day. Have a lovely weekend!

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