Class Blog for Year 4


December 2024

Year 4 have had a very exciting month which ended with a fantastic Christmas Dinner, Christingle service and Carols around the Christmas tree. They also thoroughly enjoyed both KS1 nativity performances with a few of our class being given the opportunity to be narrators for the foundation stage performance.  

This month also saw us complete our Geography unit on Tudor exploration and it impact on our lives today. The children looked at different trade links that had been established during this time and how some links remained. They also completed research on a specific aspect of Tudor travel in small groups and then presented this to the rest of the class. The children all made notes about what they had learnt from each others presentations before answering our overall questions 'What impact did travel during the time of the Tudors have on the world as we know it?'

In English, after finishing our Mr Stink unit, we moved on to looking at biographies, in particular biographies of inventors. We investigated the features of biographies and used our VIPER skills to learn more about particular inventors. At the end of the unit, after researching Leonardo Da Vinci the children wrote a potted biography for him.   

In Art/DT this month we made our own Christmas felt decorations. We researched different examples and different materials and textiles and then investigated different sewing and joining techniques before planning our own. We created templates for ours and then cut our the fabric and joined it together. We also evaluated our final product.  

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November 2024

We have had another busy month in Year 4. For Geography, we investigated how travel during the time of the Tudors impacted our life as we know it. We recapped what we already knew about the Tudors before spending time studying Sir Francis Drake and his voyages. The used maps and atlases to plot out his voyage. The children also learnt about other explorers during this time and some of the things they all discovered. They then looked at map projection and how maps were created back in the Tudor times compared to how advances in technology changed how maps were made and drawn up.

In science are focus was 'All Living Things and their Habitats'. We looked at how animals could be grouped, classification keys and a selection of different habitats and the animals that live there. 

In English we completed a unit based on the story 'Mr Stink' by David Walliams. This was a modern fiction unit which saw the children using their VIPER skills to learn more about the story and the characters before planning and re-writing part of the story but from the point of view of Mr Stink.

PE this month was basketball which the children really enjoyed. They learnt the skills needed and then put these into practice whilst playing several basketball games/matches.



October 2024

This month, we have been busy finishing our units of learning for the Autumn One half term. In Geography the children completed various pieces of work which helped them answer our topic question "What is climate change and what can we do about it?" The produced some fantastic posters to help present their findings. 

In English, the children completed a non-fiction unit on persuasive writing which saw them create their own blog posts to try and convince people to look after the rainforests. They completed lots of work on the features of persuasive writing before planning and writing their own blog. They also used their climate change research from their Geography and Science lessons to help them.

In Maths, as well as completing lots of work on multiplication the children finished their addition and subtraction unit of learning and their Area unit of learning. 

In Art the children finished their sketchbook work with the focus on comic book art by using their previously designed characters to create a page from their very own made up comic book. After this, they used one of the comic book squares they had come up with to create their final piece. They used watercolour to help them add tone and depth to this piece of work. 

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September 2024

We have had a busy first month in Year 4. The children have all settled in wonderfully and have adapted well to their new Year 4 routines. 

In Geography this half term we are looking into climate change. Our unit question is "What is climate change and what can we do about it?" We started our unit of learning off by researching what climate change is and learning about different climate zones. The children explored what some of the causes of climate change are along with some of their impacts. We also linked our Geography unit to our Science unit of learning which is focused on Habitats and Conservation. This had been helping us investigate different animals from around the world and how they and their habitats are being affected by climate change. 

In English this month we have been reading stories that raise issues and dilemmas. Our key texts were 'The Great Kapok Tree' and 'The Shaman's Apprentice'. The children learnt about the characters in both stories as well as their setting 'The Amazon Rainforest' before learning about the issues and dilemmas that arose in both stories. The children had the opportunity to focus on fronted adverbials, perfect present forms and expanded noun phrases.

In Art the children created chalk pictures for our local Honey Fair competition before starting their unit of learning on drawing/sketchbooks and Comic Art. They explored comic art and researched the comic book artist Dav Pilkey before having a go at drawing some of his art work and creating their own characters.

This month Year 4 also had the opportunity to help out in a local community project whereby they tidied and painted one of our local play parks equipment and planted new bulbs in the park. The children loved this experience. 

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Welcome Back

Welcome back after the Summer break! The children have settled in brilliantly to Year 4 and it has been lovely seeing them all again. Please find attached a copy of our Autumn Term One newsletter.

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