Class Blog for Year 5


December 2024

Year 5 have been enjoying the Christmas festivities in the last week. We have been looking at the narrative poem Twas the Night Before Christmas - understanding it, editing it and performing it. We had an absolutely delicious lunch cooked for us - enjoying some music and party crackers.
Finally, we've had our family Christingle assembly where some of the class participated in our final poem performance in front of the whole school and parents!

So, all that leaves me to say is... Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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November 2024

This month has seen a lot of scientific and geographical study in Year 5! We have been learning a lot about materials in Sciences, including whether materials are heat and electrical conductors or insulators. We have investigated which materials are soluble and which are not. In Geography, we have located many of the Uk's key cities and compared areas based on their physical and human geography as well as what the land is used for in two contrasting areas.

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October 2024

This term, Year 5 have finished their learning about WWII. We looked at passages from Anne Frank's diary and discussed what we could learn about WWII from these. Then, we thought about the reliability of the primary sources that exist from WWII, including Anne Frank's diary and propaganda. We discussed at length, the actions of Hitler and how peoples' opinions of him wouldn't necessarily match our own.
In PE this term, we have been learning to play Tag Rugby and thinking about the best ways to attack and defend 
On the 10th October, it was World Mental Health Day. All pupils came to school dressed in yellow and Year 5 made 'Chatterboxes' to help them ask questions and reflect on maintaining their positive mental wellbeing.
Finally, a massive well done to Merry whose art won 1st prize at the Honey Fair!

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September 2024

The first few weeks back in Year 5 have been very busy!
We began by learning about the Paralympic Values (inspiration, determination, equality, courage) and how we can take inspiration from these incredible athletes into our own lives.We will be adding to the display over the coming weeks when we see examples of these values in our school.
Next, we were onto preparing some fantastic fantasy creature sketches ready for honey fair. We first learnt how to draw different aspects of living things, like fur, scales, claws, beaks and feathers. Then, we combined these to make our own invented creature.
Currently, we are learning about WWII. We are reading the story When the Stars Went On, about a young Polish boy who escapes Europe as an evacuee and travels to England for safety. In history, we have mainly been learning about when WWII occurred and why it started.

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Welcome Back

It's been so lovely to be back in the classroom after my maternity leave!
Year 5 have made a fantastic start to the year, with some great learning in Maths, English and about the Paralympic Values. 
Below, you can find an overview of the learning that will be happening in our classroom between now and Christmas.
Miss Hambly

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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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