Posted 15/01/2025
by Susanne David
This week, Year 6 worked with Rebecca Catterall, who is the Development Officer for the Devon & Cornwall Rail Partnership, in conjunction with the University of Plymouth. We took part in their 'Day Trips to Happiness' project.
We met Rebecca and Sally - with her wonderful pink hair and guitar - at Gunnislake train station and we took the train to Bere Ferrers. When we arrived in Bere Ferrers, we were met by a lovely gentleman named Chris, who owns much of the land down there.
Chris runs a B&B down there and has been collecting train memorabilia for decades! He allowed us to use one of his carriages to do some fun activities; we made 'parcel pets' edible poetry and Sally composed a song for us, which we sang together!
After lunch, Chris showed us the signal box and we all had a go at changing the signals - much strength was needed for this!
At the end of the day, we got the train back to Gunnislake and walked back to school along the back roads, exploring our local neighborhood - Year 6 were an absolute credit to their families and to us. A member of the public, who had been on the train while we were there, made a point of popping in to see Mrs Cox to tell her how wonderful the children had been!
Posted 15/01/2025
by Susanne David
Year 6 were fortunate to have a visit from Robert Wiltshire, who is the Youth Programme Coordinator for Tech Cornwall. Mr Wiltshire showed the children how to use the microbits, connected to our Ipads.
We learnt how to write simple codes that would turn on and off various LEDs. We also learnt how to change the colours of the LEDs as well as alter their brightness.
Being able to do this meant that the children could then create patterns and shapes which would change and repeat on the microbits.
If the children want to practise at home and program for free, they can visit:
Microbits can also be borrowed free-of-charge from your local Library.
For information about your nearest Library, please see below:
Posted 13/01/2025
by Louise Owen
We had a really busy half term learning about rocks and soils in science, volcanoes and other natural disasters in geography, learning how to design, make and evaluate lanterns in DT, the Holy Trinity in RE, how to name some verbs in French and write reports on volcanoes based on the book Escape from Pompeii...phew time for a couple of weeks' rest!
Posted 10/01/2025
by Michaela Wright
Year 4 have had a very exciting month which ended with a fantastic Christmas Dinner, Christingle service and Carols around the Christmas tree. They also thoroughly enjoyed both KS1 nativity performances with a few of our class being given the opportunity to be narrators for the foundation stage performance.
This month also saw us complete our Geography unit on Tudor exploration and it impact on our lives today. The children looked at different trade links that had been established during this time and how some links remained. They also completed research on a specific aspect of Tudor travel in small groups and then presented this to the rest of the class. The children all made notes about what they had learnt from each others presentations before answering our overall questions 'What impact did travel during the time of the Tudors have on the world as we know it?'
In English, after finishing our Mr Stink unit, we moved on to looking at biographies, in particular biographies of inventors. We investigated the features of biographies and used our VIPER skills to learn more about particular inventors. At the end of the unit, after researching Leonardo Da Vinci the children wrote a potted biography for him.
In Art/DT this month we made our own Christmas felt decorations. We researched different examples and different materials and textiles and then investigated different sewing and joining techniques before planning our own. We created templates for ours and then cut our the fabric and joined it together. We also evaluated our final product.
Posted 10/01/2025
by Michaela Wright
We have had another busy month in Year 4. For Geography, we investigated how travel during the time of the Tudors impacted our life as we know it. We recapped what we already knew about the Tudors before spending time studying Sir Francis Drake and his voyages. The used maps and atlases to plot out his voyage. The children also learnt about other explorers during this time and some of the things they all discovered. They then looked at map projection and how maps were created back in the Tudor times compared to how advances in technology changed how maps were made and drawn up.
In science are focus was 'All Living Things and their Habitats'. We looked at how animals could be grouped, classification keys and a selection of different habitats and the animals that live there.
In English we completed a unit based on the story 'Mr Stink' by David Walliams. This was a modern fiction unit which saw the children using their VIPER skills to learn more about the story and the characters before planning and re-writing part of the story but from the point of view of Mr Stink.
PE this month was basketball which the children really enjoyed. They learnt the skills needed and then put these into practice whilst playing several basketball games/matches.
Posted 09/01/2025
by Lynn Cox
Welcome back to school and 2025! I hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas with your families. I wanted to thank you all for supporting our Christmas events last term- it was so wonderful to see so many of you- especially at the magical Christingle and Carol Service.
You will remember that back in October we asked for donations so that we could make up some shoe boxes to send to Ukraine for the children to open at Christmas. Calstock parish council have arranged a twinning between this area and a town called Petrykivka and have sent us some lovely photographs of the children with their boxes. They send a huge 'Thank you' to everyone who donated items to give them a lovely Christmas surprise!
Look out for the latest newsletter coming to you via email soon- it contains dates for this term and details of fundraising.
Posted 19/12/2024
by Caroline Hambly
Year 5 have been enjoying the Christmas festivities in the last week. We have been looking at the narrative poem Twas the Night Before Christmas - understanding it, editing it and performing it. We had an absolutely delicious lunch cooked for us - enjoying some music and party crackers.
Finally, we've had our family Christingle assembly where some of the class participated in our final poem performance in front of the whole school and parents!
So, all that leaves me to say is... Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Posted 09/12/2024
by Lynn Cox
After a wild and stormy weekend, it has been a calm start to the week! A big thanks to you all for supporting our Rainbow Multi day on Friday. We had some generous and innovative coloured items and we are busy putting them together to make some gift hampers (take a look at the photograph of the red hamper above.) We will be raffling these on the final day of school with proceeds going towards some sensory equipment which we are going to install in a special space at school.This can be used if pupils need a quiet space to be calm if they are feeling angry/anxious and the classroom environment is just too noisy/bright/busy for them. Personally, I am currently favouring the purple hamper as it has lots of purple themed chocolate!
Year 6 spent a morning at Tavistock college in the art department where they worked with some of the students to create a wonderful hanging bird. They used a wide range of techniques to create these birds including sewing and printing. They also received some very positive feedback about their exceptional behaviour- well done Year 6- you are great ambassadors for the school.
Thank you to those of you who braved the winds on Sunday to have breakfast with Santa. There was a lovely festive atmosphere and the children (and the adults too!) enjoyed meeting Santa in his special grotto which has magically transformed back into the Infant school's stage- those elves must have been busy yesterday! Over £280 was raised by this event. This will also be used to furnish sensory spaces in both schools.
We are looking forward to the postponed Carol singing at the Rifle Volunteer on Saturday 14th December at 4.00pm.
Posted 06/12/2024
by Caroline Hambly
This month has seen a lot of scientific and geographical study in Year 5! We have been learning a lot about materials in Sciences, including whether materials are heat and electrical conductors or insulators. We have investigated which materials are soluble and which are not. In Geography, we have located many of the Uk's key cities and compared areas based on their physical and human geography as well as what the land is used for in two contrasting areas.
Posted 04/12/2024
by Johanna Thomas
It has been a busy month in the ARC. During the week after half term we celebrated Bonfire Night - we had a go at using sparklers - it was great fun to try writing our names with them. The boys followed our safety rules brilliantly.
This month we have welcomed another new member into our ARC: Sabrina has joined us and
we are all enjoying getting to know her.
This month we have focused our literacy work on Julia Donaldson. We have been learning the stories, investigating rhymes, looking at the art work on Axel Scheffler. The children have chosen their favourite characters and turned them into prints. We are now working to create a 3D stand up model.
All of our children are enjoying the new ride on toys in the hall. We have been going up in groups to use them and we are getting really fast!
Posted 04/12/2024
by Johanna Thomas
Posted 04/12/2024
by Johanna Thomas
Posted 02/12/2024
by Lynn Cox
A huge congratulations to Mrs Hannaford and her amazing Year 5 and 6 football stars. They took part in the Bridge Schools Football Tournament at Callywith College last Thursday. They won their heat and came second overall. They were also commended for their sportsmanship and manners- well done you are all superstars!
A reminder that there are parental consultation meetings this week. You can make an appointment with your child's teacher via Seesaw.
Thank you to those of you who came to the Christmas Kahoot Evening. Great fun was had by all and it was wonderful to see so many of you in attendance. A huge thanks to Dave Cunningham of Dave's Chip Stop who provided the food at such a generous discount.
Please see below for our fundraising newsletter which details how much money has be raised so far and what we have spent it on/intend to spend it on.
You should have received information about the 'Breakfast With Santa' event being held at the Infant and Nursery Base on Saturday 7th December. We hope to see as many of you there as possible.
We are looking forward to the Rainbow Mufti event on Friday 6th December. See Seesaw and Facebook for more details.
Posted 22/11/2024
by Lynn Cox
Well we have had out first snow day closure of the year. Thank you for your patience with regards to decision making. It was a very tough one to call as the snow only really started to fall just before 6.00am and the weather forecast predicted heavy rain by 10.00am. In the end I feel that closure was the safest option as we have several staff and pupils who travel some distance to get to the schools. I
Thank you to those of you who joined us for our celebration of Copper Valleademyy. It was lovely to see the different ways in which the year groups chose to share the history of the local area. I absolutely loved hearing the children sing the 'Copper Valley' song. A huge thank you to Darren Jane for composing and playing every instrument on the backing track and to Miss Owen for the thoughtful and very appropriate lyrics.
Don't forget that there will be a 'Kahoot' evening next Friday at 6pm at the Junior Academy. Tickets are only £5 per person which includes a 'chippy tea' of either sausage and chips or veggie spring roll and chips. Alternatively you can just play the quiz for £2. Orders and payment are needed by Monday 25th- either cash or card. Prizes for the winners!
Enjoy the weekend.
Posted 15/11/2024
by Lynn Cox
Firstly, I want to thank you all so much for your amazing generosity with regards to the shoe boxes for Ukraine appeal. Your donations resulted in an incredible 38 shoe boxes being sent this morning to Ukraine with members of Calstock Parish Council. These gifts will make such a massive difference to the children who receive them and, will hopefully, help to make Christmas a little brighter.
Also, thank you for your donations for Children In Need - I will let you know how much we raised when it has been counted!
I want to congratulate the Year 3 and Year 4 girl's football team who represented the school so magnificently the last two weeks in the football tournament at Callington. Some of them had very little experience of playing in a team but they worked so well together. Thank you to their amazing coach and mini bus driver- Mrs Hannaford!
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the celebration of Copper Valley next Friday.
Posted 27/10/2024
by Michaela Wright
This month, we have been busy finishing our units of learning for the Autumn One half term. In Geography the children completed various pieces of work which helped them answer our topic question "What is climate change and what can we do about it?" The produced some fantastic posters to help present their findings.
In English, the children completed a non-fiction unit on persuasive writing which saw them create their own blog posts to try and convince people to look after the rainforests. They completed lots of work on the features of persuasive writing before planning and writing their own blog. They also used their climate change research from their Geography and Science lessons to help them.
In Maths, as well as completing lots of work on multiplication the children finished their addition and subtraction unit of learning and their Area unit of learning.
In Art the children finished their sketchbook work with the focus on comic book art by using their previously designed characters to create a page from their very own made up comic book. After this, they used one of the comic book squares they had come up with to create their final piece. They used watercolour to help them add tone and depth to this piece of work.
Posted 27/10/2024
by Lynn Cox
Posted 25/10/2024
by Louise Owen
We've been very busy. Learning about Noah in RE, what responsibility is, what collage is and looks like in art, how scientists create and conduct fair tests.
We've been finding out about the Bronze and Iron Age and how Stonehenge was created.
Posted 25/10/2024
by Caroline Hambly
This term, Year 5 have finished their learning about WWII. We looked at passages from Anne Frank's diary and discussed what we could learn about WWII from these. Then, we thought about the reliability of the primary sources that exist from WWII, including Anne Frank's diary and propaganda. We discussed at length, the actions of Hitler and how peoples' opinions of him wouldn't necessarily match our own.
In PE this term, we have been learning to play Tag Rugby and thinking about the best ways to attack and defend
On the 10th October, it was World Mental Health Day. All pupils came to school dressed in yellow and Year 5 made 'Chatterboxes' to help them ask questions and reflect on maintaining their positive mental wellbeing.
Finally, a massive well done to Merry whose art won 1st prize at the Honey Fair!
Posted 16/10/2024
by Lynn Cox
Following the email to all parents about the Ukraine shoe box appeal, I am pleased to say that donation stations have been set up in both schools. Any contributions to these would be gratefully received or you can make up your own shoe box to send. I am attempting to source more shoe boxes in the next week if you don't have one at home. A reminder that labels for the tops of the shoe boxes can be found in the foyer.
We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the Harvest Festival on Thursday 24th at 1.30pm at the Infant and Nursery school. If you could spare a can of food or some dried foods for the Foodbank that would be appreciated.
Enjoy the weekend when it arrives!
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.