Posted 09/10/2024
by Lynn Cox
We have reached the end of yet another busy week. We have our Harvest Festival in just under two weeks and we would appreciate any donations of dried and tinned foods which we can donate to the Callington Foodbank. Please send any products into the school office. You are all invited to join us at the Infant and Nursery Academy on 24th October at 1.30pm.
Sadly, the committee of the Friend's have decided to resign their posts due to increased personal commitments. I would like to publicly thank them for the amazing fund raising efforts over the last few years.
Thursday was World Mental Health day which saw lots of the children wearing yellow to school and taking time to think about positive messages to support people with mental health issues and ways in which to promote metal health wellness.
Posted 04/10/2024
by Lynn Cox
This week, the Y4 pupils spent some time helping out in the local community. They helped to brighten up the play area in Woodland Way by spending two hours painting some of the play equipment. They did a fantastic job and worked extremely hard.
On Saturday, Miss Owen led a group of fantastic singers at Honey Fair. They were christened the 'Copper Valley Singers' and they entertained people in the town hall beautifully- there was also some audience participation, encouraged by Miss Owen!
We were delighted to share joint first place with Callington Primary School for the Honey Fair art prize.Two of the members of the Lion's Club visited our celebration assembly at the Infant and Nursery base to present our award.We received a shield and £100 which we will share between both schools! Well done to the following children who were awarded rosettes in their year groups- Serena (Y1), Bella (Y2), Rafe (Y4), Merryn (Y5) and Jonah (Y6).
Posted 02/10/2024
by Susanne David
Year 6 are settling brilliantly into their new, responsible roles as the oldest in the school and we are all getting used to our lovely new name, 'Copper Valley Junior Academy!'
The children have enjoyed their historical enquiry into the lives of the Anglo-Saxons and they are also proving to be enthusiastic Scientists, as we explore the fascinating Science behind 'Light'.
In English, we have been looking at the various tools and language features that make effective suspense writing and the children are currently finishing their own, innovated suspense story! We are particularly impressed with their determination to improve their handwriting!
Our RE question for this half term asks, 'What would Jesus do?" and the children have shown what deep thinkers they are, when challenged with these 'Big Questions'!
Across the two bases, we are thrilled to have been placed joint first, alongside Callington Primary Academy, for our entries to the Art competition at the Honey Fair, with one of our very own Year 6 children achieving 4th place in our age range!
In French, we have been learning how to talk about our families and in Computing, we are learning all about networks and how these work, both locally, nationally and internationally.
Year 6 have shown amazing positivity when it comes to their Maths and they have shown us what strong Reasoning skills they have! We will continue to build on their Arithmetic skills with daily practice and we are encouraging them to learn their times tables at home, as well as reading regularly.
The mornings are getting darker and the days are getting soggier, however, Year 6 will not let this dampen their spirits, as we continue to plough through this long Autumn Term, towards that time of year that cannot yet be mentioned!!
Thank you for all you hard work so far, year 6; Mrs David and Miss Cunningham are so proud of you all!
Posted 01/10/2024
by Michaela Wright
We have had a busy first month in Year 4. The children have all settled in wonderfully and have adapted well to their new Year 4 routines.
In Geography this half term we are looking into climate change. Our unit question is "What is climate change and what can we do about it?" We started our unit of learning off by researching what climate change is and learning about different climate zones. The children explored what some of the causes of climate change are along with some of their impacts. We also linked our Geography unit to our Science unit of learning which is focused on Habitats and Conservation. This had been helping us investigate different animals from around the world and how they and their habitats are being affected by climate change.
In English this month we have been reading stories that raise issues and dilemmas. Our key texts were 'The Great Kapok Tree' and 'The Shaman's Apprentice'. The children learnt about the characters in both stories as well as their setting 'The Amazon Rainforest' before learning about the issues and dilemmas that arose in both stories. The children had the opportunity to focus on fronted adverbials, perfect present forms and expanded noun phrases.
In Art the children created chalk pictures for our local Honey Fair competition before starting their unit of learning on drawing/sketchbooks and Comic Art. They explored comic art and researched the comic book artist Dav Pilkey before having a go at drawing some of his art work and creating their own characters.
This month Year 4 also had the opportunity to help out in a local community project whereby they tidied and painted one of our local play parks equipment and planted new bulbs in the park. The children loved this experience.
Posted 01/10/2024
by Louise Owen
This half term our key question is 'How did we live before metal?'
We will be finding out about the Stone Age through to the Iron Age and exploring life of these people. Our key text is Stig of the Dump by Clive King and then we'll be writing information texts all about prehistoric times.
In science we will be looking at the different stages of Scientific Enquiry and how experiments are conducted fairly.
We're learning how to say hello and basic greetings in French.
In art we are looking at the different kinds and how to construct collage pieces - and submitting some of these to the Honey Fair for their art competition.
In PE we will be learning how to play a game of football and all the skills needed to control a ball.
We will also be learning the song I've Been to Harlem and learning about the pentatonic scale.
Posted 01/10/2024
by Susanne David
Posted 30/09/2024
by Caroline Hambly
The first few weeks back in Year 5 have been very busy!
We began by learning about the Paralympic Values (inspiration, determination, equality, courage) and how we can take inspiration from these incredible athletes into our own lives.We will be adding to the display over the coming weeks when we see examples of these values in our school.
Next, we were onto preparing some fantastic fantasy creature sketches ready for honey fair. We first learnt how to draw different aspects of living things, like fur, scales, claws, beaks and feathers. Then, we combined these to make our own invented creature.
Currently, we are learning about WWII. We are reading the story When the Stars Went On, about a young Polish boy who escapes Europe as an evacuee and travels to England for safety. In history, we have mainly been learning about when WWII occurred and why it started.
Posted 27/09/2024
by Lynn Cox
It has been another busy week for us here at Copper Valley. The school council representatives have been chosen for this academic year. I have had my first productive meeting with Y5 and Y6 and I look forward to meeting with the others next week. This week the children have produced some beautiful art work for the Callington Honey Fair which is on Saturday. If you get a chance, head to the town hall to see their masterpieces. Some of the children are also singing at 12 noon and would appreciate your support.
As we head into the colder weather, can I remind you to send your child to school with a suitable coat and can I please ask you to write your child's name in their school uniform. They all look so smart in their new sweatshirts. but there are already several which have turned up in lost property without names on their labels.
Frank and Ann Mears, who are great grandparents to two pupils at Copper Valley Infant and Nursery Academy have donated some money to the schools, following a plan sale held at their home. We are going to the money to personalise the Junior school football shirts with the Copper Valley logo and purchase some playground equipment for the Infant school. I would like to publicly thank them for their generosity.
Don't forget, the photographer is at the Infant and Nursery school next Thursday- 3rd October.This is also free school lunch day. Have a lovely weekend!
Posted 22/09/2024
by Lynn Cox
There will be a free lunch for all pupils on 3rd October thanks to Caterlink and the Bridge Trust.
More details about the menu will follow!
Posted 19/09/2024
by Lynn Cox
As ever it has been a busy couple of weeks back in school. Thank you to those of you who came to the 'Meet the Teacher' events at the Infant and Junior bases. The partnership that the schools have with parents is very important to us and to your child's wellbeing and development.
After a few teething troubles during the transition from Delaware and Gunnislake to Copper Valley, I am delighted to let you know that the Seesaw platform is now fully up and running. For those parents who are new to Seesaw, it is a brilliant tool where you can view your child's learning and communicate with staff. Staff will sometimes post messages and important reminders on Seesaw and, because these come straight through to your mobiles and tablets, they are easily accessible.
I am also pleased to let you know that the school websites are, in the main, complete! If you head to the learning tab and look under maths, I have added some resources so that you can use to support your child with their current learning.
I want to apologise to you all for my absence at the school entrance in the morning. Some of you will know but I am taking children to the Junior school base in Gunnislake so that we don't need to run 3 mini buses. I am enjoying chatting to the children as we head down the hill. We have named the morning service 'Cox's cabs'- could be a new career! I miss speaking to the other children and parents as they come in but I hope that you will understand why I'm not on the step first thing!
If you haven't had a chance then please look at our new Copper Valley Primary Academies Facebook page. We currently have 80 followers and we want to build on this.
Over the next few weeks we are going to work on a celebration event to mark the schools' name change. Look out for more information to follow. Enjoy the weekend when it arrives!
Posted 12/09/2024
by Louise Owen
A warm welcome to you to Copper Valley Junior Academy! We in Year 3 hope that you have had a restful break...though a bit more sunshine would have been welcome.
I shall continue to be the full-time teacher in Year 3 (no longer Lusty Glaze just Year 3) with Ms Vine and Miss Hindle as support staff. Mrs Cox will cover my PPA on a Thursday afternoon.
We are still using SeeSaw to document much of our wider curriculum and you can contact me on there with any updates, news or concerns. Please be aware that out-of-office hours apply to that and messages sent after 5pm will likely not be picked up until 8am the next day. 7
Our first step in learning is investigating the question ‘How did we live before metal?’ An exploration into the Stone Age and life for those early humans. After half term we are looking to find out ‘Where do rocks and volcanoes come from?’
Any questions or concerns I’m about most days at the end of the day for a chat.
Best wishes
Miss Owen
PE will be on a Friday so please can children come in their kit that day. More details on what the PE kit should look like is on the school website. Please can you make sure trainers are suitable (no studs).
All of the children have their own peg outside in the corridor and in the classroom, there is a jumper box. Please can clothing be named as it makes returning it far easier.
Like Year 2, children on the RWI scheme will have their book for 3 reads. Once off this we assess their reading levels and children are assigned an Accelerated Reader level that will help them choose a book from the library within their reading range. Book swap day will be Friday so make sure books are in then.
In Key Stage 2 children no longer receive a free snack and so this needs to be provided. No sweets or chocolate please. I do realise that some children go for the ‘desert’ element of their packed lunch for snack and we do encourage them to choose one of the other things there.
Although there is no strict homework arrangements, it is recommended that children in Year 3 read 3-5 times a week, practice their times tables and practice their spellings.
Spelling lists will be given out weekly and although we do not have tests a read through the words is always helpful. They can also be practiced using LetterJoin on a device. I usually set tasks on Mathletics and Reading Eggs each week which is related to the class work and in KS2 children are given logins for Times Table Rockstars.
Logins will be put in reading diaries for your reference.
The new uniform looks especially smart...however we will be doing art once a week. An old t-shirt would be very helpful to stop any messes getting on those lovely white t-shirts! Just sent in a named bag for pegs please. Also if you have any old t-shirts you’d like to donate for painting shirts we’d be very grateful.
Please can you let us know if your child is going to be going to Kids Club, if there is a particular person who is going to be picking them up or if you have a longstanding arrangement with another parent for collection (please can this last one be in writing so there is no confusion). It just makes the end of the day easier while we get to know everyone’s faces.
A polite reminder that children shouldn’t be wearing jewellery in school. Watches and small earring studs are allowed but no hoops or drop earrings as these can get caught and pulled.
There has been lots on the news this summer about school absence. Just a reminder that the school doors open at 08:45am and close at 08:55am. Children who are late often miss key elements in their learning e.g. spelling practice, times table practice, the timetable of the day so being on time is important for children to feel included in all elements of their learning. If your child is unwell please can you call the school office before 08:30am and leave a message so the appropriate absence can be added to the register.
Posted 09/09/2024
by Caroline Hambly
It's been so lovely to be back in the classroom after my maternity leave!
Year 5 have made a fantastic start to the year, with some great learning in Maths, English and about the Paralympic Values.
Below, you can find an overview of the learning that will be happening in our classroom between now and Christmas.
Miss Hambly
Posted 06/09/2024
by Michaela Wright
Welcome back after the Summer break! The children have settled in brilliantly to Year 4 and it has been lovely seeing them all again. Please find attached a copy of our Autumn Term One newsletter.
Posted 03/09/2024
by Lynn Cox
Welcome back to school and to Copper Valley Infant and Nursery Academy and Copper Valley Junior Academy! What an exciting start to the term this is. I am looking forward to welcoming the children back to school tomorrow and I can't wait to hear their stories from the Summer and seeing them in their smart new uniform.
A newsletter will be arriving in your inboxes shortly with news of new school websites. If you follow us on Facebook you should have been sent a link to the new school website page. We are also featured in the Gunnislake gateway this month.
I am sure that many of you will have seen the new school signs and I hope that you agree that they look really fantastic!
We welcome a new member of staff this term. Mrs Walkerdine will be teaching Year 1 for two days a week and I know that you will welcome her warmly.
We are looking forward to an exciting term and year!
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.